Old Testament Commentaries: Index
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Randall Bailey is the author of the Exodus volume in The College Press NIV Commentary series. Dr. Bailey (Ph.D., Drew University) is the Professor of Bible and the Director of the Kearley Graduate...
David G. Peterson is also the author of The Acts of the Apostles in the Pillar New Testament Commentary series. Dr. Peterson (Ph.D. from the University of Manchester) was the Principal of Oak...
Dean Pinter is the author of the Acts commentary in the Story of God Bible Commentary Series from Zondervan. He is also the rector of St. Aidan Anglican Church in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan,...
If you have been searching the universe for a gigantic digital table subdivided into small boxes filled with fun and informative Bible commentary goodness, your search is over! The comparison chart...
Whole Bible commentaries will help you understand every passage of Scripture better. If Bible commentaries on single books are like studying individual trees, whole-Bible commentaries will help you...
Tim Keller's Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism (Penguin Books, links go to Amazon) is one of the best-reviewed books on preaching in recent years. Many know Tim Keller from...