The Psalms will touch your heart, mind, and soul in a way that will leave you joyful, comforted, and filled with hope. Since some imagery and descriptions in the Psalms can be challenging to understand, commentaries on the Psalms provide helpful, easy-to-understand explanations that will give you clarity and direction.
The Bible instructs Christians to seek wisdom (Prov. 1:7, James 1:5) and who better to learn from than pastors, theologians, and professors who have been studying and teaching Psalms for decades?
10 Best Psalms Commentaries
The best Psalms commentaries based on aggregate reviews are listed below, including exegetical, technical, and introductory volumes. These commentaries aren’t suggested as a replacement for prayer, the Holy Spirit, and the reader’s own diligent study of Scripture.
The “Top 10” list is a starting point for learning about Psalms commentaries. It is not intended to be the “final word” because of its limitations. Nevertheless, a list based on aggregate reviews is likely to point you in the right direction to find the right resource for your purposes.
Psalms 1-72 and 73-150
Kidner Classic Commentaries
by Derek Kidner

Reviews and Accolades:
• Desiring God: #1 recommended commentary on Psalms
• Tremper Longman: “highly recommended for its theological insight and practical bent…well worth the price”
• Keith Mathison: #3 ranked commentary on Psalms, “[Kidner’s] comments are clear and very concise, but always reflect the extensive learning and insight of the author.”
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: individual study, devotional reading, Bible studies, adult Sunday school classes
Kidner also wrote one of the best Genesis commentaries, and one of the best Ecclesiastes commentaries, based on aggregate reviews.
Purpose: From the publisher: “The works of Derek Kidner (MA, Christ’s College, Cambridge) are full of the marks of both professor and pastor with his even-handed scholarship as well as his devotional insight.”
Please also see Best Commentary Series: The Top 50. Based on aggregate reviews.
Psalms 1-50 by P. Craigie; 51-100 L. Allen; 101-150 by M. Tate
Word Biblical Commentary

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: M. Tate (Vol. 3), 4 out of 5 stars: “excellent contribution”
• John H. Walton and Andrew E. Hill: “The best evangelical commentary on Psalms.”
• Keith Mathison: #5 ranked commentary on Psalms, “I’ve included the three WBC volumes primarily on the strength of Craigie’s contribution. It is technical, but very helpful.”
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “WBC series delivers the best in biblical scholarship, from the leading scholars who share a commitment to Scripture as divine revelation.
It emphasizes a thorough analysis of textual, linguistic, structural, and theological evidence.”
See more about the Word Biblical Commentary series.
After browsing the commentaries below, also see the best one-volume bible commentaries, based on aggregate reviews.
Psalms 1-72
NIV Application Commentary
by Gerald H. Wilson

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 5 out of 5 stars, “strong in all three sections of the series…has much value, especially for ministers”
• Keith Mathison: #2 ranked commentary on Psalms, “The NIVAC series is a mixed bag, but Gerald Wilson’s initial volume on the Psalms is one of the standouts.”
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the General Editor: The series not only focuses on application as a finished product but also helps you think through the process of moving from the original meaning of a passage to its contemporary significance.”
See more about the NIV Application Commentary series.
Expositor’s Bible Commentary Revised
by Willem A. VanGemeren

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 5 out of 5 stars, “excellent on the text and the text’s theology and is particularly helpful in sermon preparation”
• Keith Mathison: #1 ranked commentary on Psalms, “It is certainly the most helpful commentary on the Psalms that I have yet read… I cannot recommend this commentary highly enough.”
Interview: See Best Bible Commentaries’ interview with Willem VanGemeren on this volume
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “Written primarily by expositors for expositors… its stance is that of a scholarly evangelicalism committed to the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible…”
See more about the Expositor’s Bible Commentary series.
Understanding the Bible Commentary Series
by Craig C. Broyles

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 4 out of 5 stars, “brief but solid…recognizes the importance of christological interpretation”
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “Each volume in the Understanding the Bible Commentary Series breaks down the barriers between the ancient and modern worlds so that the power and meaning of the biblical texts become transparent to contemporary readers.”
See more about the Understanding the Bible Commentary Series.
Psalms 1-41, 42-89, and 90-150
Baker Commentary on the
Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms
by John Goldingay

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 4.5 out of 5 stars, “an extensive interpretation of the Psalms, focusing on poetics, grammar, and especially theology of the individual psalms”
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Goldingay also wrote one of the best Daniel commentaries, and one of the best Isaiah commentaries, based on aggregate reviews.
Purpose: From the publisher: “The series is tailored to the distinctives of poetry and wisdom literature… closing reflections on each section that explore the text’s theological dimensions; and textual notes that provide resources for advanced readers.”
See more about the Baker Commentary on the Old Testament Wisdom and Psalms series.
by James L. Mays

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 5 out of 5 stars, “focuses on the literary expression and theological message of the Psalms”
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “This series of commentaries offers an interpretation of the books of the Bible. It is designed to meet the need of students, teachers, ministers, and priests for a contemporary expository commentary.”
Psalms 1-72 and 73-150
The Preacher’s Commentary
by Donald M. Williams

Reviews and Accolades:
• Keith Mathison: #3 ranked commentary on Psalms, “This is a non-technical, highly readable commentary, with a strongly devotional and practical approach. It is well worth consulting.”
Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: individual study, devotional reading, Bible studies, adult Sunday school classes
Purpose: From the publisher: “The New King James Bible has been chosen for the Preacher’s Commentary… The paragraphs of exposition combine fresh insights to the Scripture, application, rich illustrative material, and innovative ways of utilizing the vibrant truth for his or her own life and for the challenge of communicating it with vigor and vitality.”
Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
by Tremper Longman III

Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Longman also wrote one of the best Proverbs commentaries, based on aggregate reviews.
Purpose: From the publisher: This series is “designed to help readers understand what the Bible actually says and what it means… [each commentary] examines the text section by section, drawing out its main themes.
It also comments on individual verses and deals with problems of interpretation.”
See more about the Tyndale Old Testament Commentary series.
Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary
by Geoffrey W. Grogan

Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 5 out of 5 stars, “masterful at theological analysis”
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “Two features distinguish The Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary series: theological exegesis and theological reflection… The result is a paragraph-by-paragraph engagement with the text that is deliberately theological in focus.”
More Book of Psalms Commentaries for Christian Ministry
Please read: Why are the Psalms commentaries below not in the “Top 10”? It’s not because they have received poor reviews or because people haven’t found them helpful. The reasons vary:
- Some are relatively new and haven’t been widely reviewed, read, or used yet.
- Others haven’t been widely distributed, so it is difficult to get enough information to aggregate.
- Still others may be outdated in relation to biblical scholarship or out of print and difficult to acquire.
The “Top 10” list is reviewed annually. Readers are encouraged to consider the volumes in this section before making a purchase. These 10 are not in any particular order.
Psalms 73-150
New American Commentary
by Daniel J. Estes
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Interview: See Best Bible Commentaries’ interview with Daniel Estes on this volume
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “The New American Commentary is for those who have been seeking a commentary that honors the Scriptures, represents the finest in contemporary evangelical scholarship and lends itself to the practical work of preaching and teaching. This series serves as both a minister’s friend and a student’s guide.”
See more about the New American Commentary series.
The Forms of the Old Testament Literature
by Erhard S. Gerstenberger
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Reviews and Accolades:
• Tremper Longman: 4 out of 5 stars, “an excellent tool for scholars”
Best for: students, pastors, teachers, professors, and scholars with training in Hebrew who can follow a technical commentary
Purpose: From the publisher: “The Forms of the Old Testament Literature (FOTL) is a series of volumes that seeks to present, according to a standard outline and methodology, a form-critical analysis of every book or unit of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible).”
The Book of Psalms
New International Commentary on the Old Testament
by N. deClaisse-Walford, R., and B. Tanner
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Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “All of the NICOT volumes combine superior scholarship, an evangelical view of Scripture as the Word of God, and concern for the life of faith today. Each volume features an extensive introduction treating the biblical book’s authorship, date, purpose, structure, and theology.”
See more about the New International Commentary on the Old Testament series.
Psalms 73-150
NIV Application Commentary
by W. Dennis Tucker and Jamie A. Grant
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Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the General Editor: The primary goal of the NIV Application Commentary Series is to help you with the difficult but vital task of bringing an ancient message into a modern context.”
See more about the NIV Application Commentary series.
New Cambridge Bible Commentary
by Walter Brueggemann and William H. Bellinger, Jr.
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Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “This text introduces the book of Psalms and provides an exposition of each psalm with attention to genre, liturgical connections, societal issues, and the psalm’s place in the book of Psalms as a whole.”
The Psalms as Christian Worship
by Bruce K. Waltke and James M. Houston
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Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “Bruce K. Waltke begins the collaboration by first skillfully establishing the meaning of the chosen psalms through careful exegesis in which each text is interpreted in light of its historical backgrounds, its literary form, and the poet’s rhetoric.”
The Psalms
Eerdmans Critical Commentary
by Samuel Terrien
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Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “In the commentary itself Terrien freshly elucidates the theological significance of these collected poems by putting readers in touch with the formal versatility and religious passion of the psalmists themselves.”
by Frank-Lothar Hossfeld and Erich Zenger
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Best for: students, pastors, teachers, professors, and scholars with training in Hebrew who can follow a technical commentary
Purpose: From the publisher: “The Hermeneia commentary series seeks to offer authoritative interpretation of the earliest texts of the biblical books…”
Psalms 1-41, 42-89, 90-150
Kregel Exegetical Library
by Allen P. Ross
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Approach to Scripture: Evangelical
Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “Pastors, teachers, and all serious students of the Bible will find this commentary invaluable for developing an understanding of Psalms and for improving one’s ability to exposit it with precision and depth.”
The Psalms
The Old Testament Library
by Artur Weiser
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Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “The Old Testament Library provides fresh and authoritative treatments of important aspects of Old Testament study through commentaries and general surveys.”
Classic Psalms Commentaries
Geneva Series of Commentaries
by W.S. Plumer
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Best for: individual study, devotional reading, Bible studies, adult Sunday school classes
Purpose: From the publisher: “Dr. Plumer’s Commentary avoids this defect, the author believing that from the Psalms ‘piety has derived more nourishment than from any other source,’ and that his work should serve that same purpose.”
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
edited by Craig A. Blaising
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Best for: expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, experienced Bible readers
Purpose: From the publisher: “The ACCS is a post-critical revival of the early commentary tradition known as the glossa ordinaria, a text artfully elaborated with ancient and authoritative reflections and insights.”
Also see:
Compare 75 different commentary series on the Bible Commentary Series Comparison Chart