Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentaries are evangelical biblical studies resources that are well-reviewed for their scholarship, their accessibility, and their affordability.
Both series’ are complete, yet replacement volumes have been published and more are planned in order to update older commentaries, which are now 40 to 50 years old.

Most TOTC and TNTC volumes contain introductory-level to mid-range scholarship and avoid discussion of in-depth exegetical issues and the original biblical languages.
Tyndale Old and New Testament commentaries are a favorite among pastors because it is easy to utilize their accessible explanations of the biblical text in preaching and teaching. Some volumes are so easy to understand that users can read the commentaries from front to back.
Which commentary series is best for your purposes? See Best Bible Commentaries: Top 50. Based on aggregate reviews.
Accessibility should not be confused with superficiality, however, as these commentaries may benefit laypeople, but they will be maximized by those who have had Bible college or seminary-level training.
See how the TOTC and the TNTC series compares to dozens of other commentary series on the Bible Commentaries Comparison Chart.
Tyndale New and Old Testament Commentaries (TOTC, TNTC): Reviews
Craig Blomberg of Denver Seminary writes that “the Tyndale volumes have long been the premier shorter-length commentary series on both Testaments throughout the English-speaking world.”
Theologian D.A. Carson of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School writes, “Within its constraints, this series includes some outstanding volumes.”

And Donald A. Hagner of Fuller Theological Seminary writes, “There simply is no series of medium-length commentaries that approaches the excellence of the Tyndale commentaries.”
Many volumes in the TOTC and TNTC series’ have been well-reviewed by readers from various denominational backgrounds and theological schools.
Highly-praised Old Testament volumes include Derek Kidner’s Genesis commentary, Gordon Wenham’s Numbers commentary, Joyce Baldwin’s Esther commentary, and J.A. Motyer’s Isaiah commentary.
Highly-praised New Testament volumes include R.T. France’s Matthew commentary, I. Howard Marshall’s Acts commentary, and N.T. Wright’s Colossians commentary.
TNTC Author Interviews on Best Bible Commentaries
Colin Kruse – 2 Corinthians (please follow the link to read the entire Q & A)
Preview: “Like many other commentators on 2 Corinthians, I found Paul’s teaching on the coincidence of human weakness and divine power in ministry to be both edifying and encouraging.”
Tyndale New Testament Commentary Volumes
The links below go to Amazon using their exact ISBN.
Also visit Christian Book Distributors’ TOTC/TNTC commentaries page to compare prices.
R.T. France. Matthew | Published: 2008
- replaced – R. V. G. Tasker. Matthew
Eckhard J. Schnabel. Mark | Published: 2017
- replaced – R. Alan Cole. Mark | Published: 2008
Leon Morris. Luke | Published: 2008
Colin G. Kruse. John | Published: 2008
- replaced – R. V. G. Tasker. John
I. Howard Marshall. Acts | Published: 2008
- replaced – E. M. Blaiklock. Acts
F. F. Bruce. Romans | Published: 2008
Leon Morris. 1 Corinthians | Published: 2008
Colin G. Kruse. 2 Corinthians | Published: 2008
- replaced – R. V. G. Tasker. 2 Corinthians
R. Alan Cole. Galatians | Published: 2008
Francis Foulkes. Ephesians | Published: 2008
Ralph P. Martin. Philippians | Published: 2008
N.T. Wright. Colossians and Philemon | Published: 2008
- replaced – Herbert M. Carson. Colossians and Philemon
Leon Morris. 1 and 2 Thessalonians | Published: 2009
Donald Guthrie. The Pastoral Epistles | Published: 2009
Donald Guthrie. Hebrews | Published: 2009
- replaced – Thomas Hewitt. Hebrews
Douglas Moo. James | Published: 2015
Wayne Grudem. 1 Peter | Published: 2009
- replaced – Alan M. Stibbs and Andrew F. Walls. 1 Peter
Michael Green. 2 Peter and Jude | Published: 2009
John R. W. Stott. The Letters of John | Published: 2009
Leon Morris. Revelation | Published: 2008
Tyndale Old Testament Commentary Volumes
Derek Kidner. Genesis | Published: 2008
R. Alan Cole. Exodus | Published: 2008
Jay Sklar. Leviticus | Published: 2014
- replaced – R.K. Harrison. Leviticus
Gordon J. Wenham. Numbers | Published: 2008
Edward J. Woods. Deuteronomy | Published: 2011
- replaced J.A. Thompson. Deuteronomy | Published: 2008
Richard S. Hess Joshua | Published: 2008
Arthur E. Cundall; Leon Morris. Judges and Ruth | Published: 2008
Joyce G. Baldwin 1 and 2 Samuel | Published: 2008
Donald J. Wiseman 1 and 2 Kings | Published: 2008
Martin J. Selman 1 Chronicles | Published: 2008
Martin J. Selman 2 Chronicles | Published: 2008
Derek Kidner . Ezra and Nehemiah | Published: 2008
Debra Reid. Esther | Published: 2008
- replaced – Joyce G. Baldwin Esther
Francis I. Anderson Job | Published: 2008
Tremper Longman III. Psalms | Published: 2014
- replaced Derek Kidner. Psalms 1-72 | Published: 1975
- replaced Derek Kidner. Psalms 73–150 | Published: 1975
Derek Kidner. Proverbs | Published: 2008
Michael A. Eaton Ecclesiastes | Published: 2008
Iain Duguid. The Song of Songs | Published: 2015
- replaced G. Lloyd Carr. Song of Solomon | Published: 2008
J. Alec Motyer. Isaiah | Published: 2008
Hetty Lalleman. Jeremiah and Lamentations | Published: 2008
- replaced R.K. Harrison. Jeremiah and Lamentations | Published: 2008
John B. Taylor. Ezekiel | Published: 2008
Joyce G. Baldwin. Daniel | Published: 2008
David Allan Hubbard. Hosea | Published: 2008
David Allan Hubbard. Joel and Amos | Published: 2008
T. Desmond Alexander; David W. Baker; Bruce K. Waltke. Obadiah, Jonah, Micah | Published: 2008
David W. Baker. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah | Published: 2008
Andrew E. Hill. Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi | Published: 2012