The Expositor’s Bible Commentary series has been a popular resource for pastors and lay Christians since it was first published in the late 1970’s. Several volumes have been well-reviewed for their evangelical theology, their usefulness to pastors, their overall readability, and for their relative affordability.

The original Expositor’s Bible Commentary series won the Evangelical Christian Publisher’s Association “Gold Medallion Book Award” for Bible commentaries in 1983. With many volumes undergoing revision in the last decade, this series continues to be relevant 50 years after it first appeared.
Volumes in the original EBC series were written between 1976 and 1992. 50 different authors contributed. Frank Gaebelein (d. 1983) was the first editor of the series.
He is known for having been the editor of Christianity Today magazine, serving on the executive committee of Billy Graham’s famous sixteen-week crusade at Madison Square Garden in 1957, and for being part of the NIV translation team.
Please also see Best Commentary Series: The Top 50. Based on aggregate reviews.
The Revised Expositor’s Bible Commentary series, edited by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, is a 2012 update to the original collection, which includes the work of 56 different authors, 30 of which are new. Revised volumes are also available in electronic format. [1]
In the original preface to the EBC series, Gaebelein wrote that this series was “written primarily by expositors for expositors.” The volumes in this series are not technical in nature so there is not extensive interaction with the original languages. The revised editions continue this approach.
Though authors may discuss recent scholarship, the goal “is to elucidate the text and not to provide a guide to the scholarly literature about the text.” [2]
Theologically, authors in the original and revised volumes “are committed to the divine inspiration, complete trustworthiness, and full authority of the Bible.” They also represent “confessional diversity.” [3]
Note: See the Bible Commentaries Comparison Chart to see how the REBC series compares to dozens of other commentary series.

Whole-Bible commentaries are great resources to add to any personal library. See Best One-Volume Bible Commentaries: The Top 25 to learn more.
Revised Expositor’s Commentary Series: Reviews
Numerous Old Testament volumes in the series have been well-reviewed and are considered some of the best scholarship in their subject area.
Examples include John Sailhammer’s Genesis volume, which is considered one of the best Genesis commentaries and Willem VanGmeren’s Psalms volume is considered one of the best Psalms commentaries.
Many New Testament volumes have also been well-reviewed and are considered some of the best scholarship in their respective subject area.
For example, D.A. Carson’s Matthew volume is considered one of the best Matthew commentaries and Richard Longenecker’s Acts volume is considered one of the best Acts commentaries.
Observers have noted that certain biblical books that are important to eschatology have premillennial authors, such as the 1-2 Thessalonians commentaries, which are written by Robert L. Thomas and the Revelation commentary, which is written by Alan F. Johnson.
One of the most well-reviewed commentaries in the EBC series is the Psalms volume by Willem A. VanGemeren, who was the professor of Old Testament at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and is now retired.
About this volume, Michael Sangrove, in the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, wrote, “this is an impressive and enjoyable contribution to the literature.” [4]
People want a commentary on Revelation more so than any other book of the Bible. See best Revelation commentaries to learn more.
Interview: See Best Bible Commentaries’ interview with Willem VanGemeren on this volume
Volumes in the EBC Series: Original and Revised
Please note that the hardback volumes were re-numbered for the 2012 revised version. Also, some single-book volumes are only available in electronic format.
The links below go to Amazon using each book’s exact ISBN.
Original (1976)
Volume 1: Introductory Articles: General, Old Testament, New Testament | Hardback | Pages: 752

Examples of Articles:
- Carl F. H. Henry on the Authority and Inspiration of the Bible
- F. F. Bruce on The Transmission and Translation of the Bible
- Bruce M. Metzger on The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha
- Bruce K. Waltke on The Textual Criticism of the Old Testament
- Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. On the Theology of the Old Testament
- William Sanford LaSor on The Dead Sea Scrolls
- Gordon D. Fee on The Textual Criticism of the New Testament
- Donald Guthrie on Historical and Literary Criticism of the New Testament
- I. Howard Marshall on Jesus and the Gospels
- Roger Nicole on the Old Testament in the New Testament

Romans is a popular book for commentary study. See best Romans commentaries to learn more.
Revised (2012)
Please note that Volume 1 in the revised edition does not contain a collection of articles, but consists of Genesis, Exodus, and Leviticus.
Volume 1: Genesis–Leviticus | Hardback | Pages: 832
Genesis: John H. Sailhamer (single volume only available in electronic format)
Exodus: Walter C. Kaiser (single volume only available in electronic format)
Leviticus: Richard R. Hess – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 2: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers | Hardback | Pages: 1,008
Genesis: John H. Sailhamer
Exodus: Walter C. Kaiser, Jr.
Leviticus: R. Laird Harris
Numbers: Ronald B. Allen

Also see best John commentaries to learn more about the fourth Gospel.
Revised (2012)
Volume 2: Numbers–Ruth | Hardback | Pages: 1,360
Authors and additional formats:
Numbers: Ronald B. Allen (single volume only available in electronic format)
Deuteronomy: Michael A. Grisanti – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Joshua: Helene Dallaire – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Judges: Mark J. Boda – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Ruth: George Schwab – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 3: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 and 2 Samuel | Hardback | Pages: 1,120
Deuteronomy: Earl S. Kalland
Joshua: Donald H. Madvig
Judges: Herbert Wolf
Ruth: F. B. Huey, Jr.
1, 2 Samuel: Ronald F. Youngblood
Also see the Study Bible Comparison Chart to compare dozens of Study Bibles.
Revised (2012)
Authors and additional formats:
Volume 3: 1 Samuel–2 Kings | Hardback | Pages: 960
1, 2 Samuel: Ronald F. Youngblood (single volume only available in electronic format)
1, 2 Kings: Hermann J. Austel and Richard D. Patterson (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 4: 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job | Hardback | Pages: 1,060
1, 2 Kings: Richard D. Patterson and Hermann J. Austel
1, 2 Chronicles: J. Barton Payne
Ezra, Nehemiah: Edwin Yamauchi
Esther: F. B. Huey, Jr.
Job: Elmer B. Smick
Revised (2012)
Authors and additional formats:
Volume 4: 1 Chronicles – Job | Hardback | Pages: 928
1 and 2 Chronicles: Frederick J. Mabie – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Ezra and Nehemiah: Edwin M. Yamauchi (single volume only available in electronic format)
Esther: Elaine Phillips – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Job: Elmer B. Smick (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 5: Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs | Hardback | Pages: 1,244
Psalms: Willem A. VanGemeren
Proverbs: Allen P. Ross
Ecclesiastes: J. Stafford Wright
Song of Songs: Dennis F. Kinlaw
Revised (2012)
Volume 5: Psalms | Pages: 1,011
Authors and additional formats:
Psalms: Willem A. VanGemeren (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 6: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel | Hardback | Pages: 1,024
Isaiah: Geoffrey W. Grogan
Jeremiah: Charles L. Feinberg
Lamentations: H. L. Ellison
Ezekiel: Ralph H. Alexander
Revised (2012)
Authors and additional formats:
Volume 6: Proverbs–Isaiah | Hardback | Pages: 864
Proverbs by Allen P. Ross (single volume only available in electronic format)
Ecclesiastes: Jerry E. Shepherd – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Song of Songs: George M. Schwab – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Isaiah: Geoffrey W. Grogan (single volume only available in electronic format)
Bible commentaries have different purposes and audiences. See Types of Bible Commentaries: A Bible Reader’s Guide to learn more.
Original (1976)
Volume 7: Daniel and the Minor Prophets | Hardback | Pages: 752
Daniel: Gleason L. Archer, Jr.
Hosea: Leon J. Wood
Joel: Richard D. Patterson
Amos: Thomas E. McComiskey
Obadiah: Carl E. Armerding
Jonah: H. L. Ellison
Micah: Thomas E. McComiskey
Nahum, Habakkuk: Carl E. Armerding
Zephaniah: Larry Walker
Haggai: Robert L. Alden
Zechariah: Kenneth L. Barker
Malachi: Robert L. Alden
Revised (2012)
Volume 7: Jeremiah–Ezekiel | Hardback | Pages: 928
Authors and additional formats:
Jeremiah: Michael L. Brown – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Lamentations: Paul W. Ferris – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Ezekiel: Ralph H. Alexander (single volume only available in electronic format)
Revised (2012)
In the original version, the Old Testament volumes stop with 7.
Volume 8: Daniel–Malachi | Hardback | Pages: 864
Authors and additional formats:
Daniel: Andrew E. Hill – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Hosea: M. Daniel Carroll – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Joel: Richard D. Patterson (single volume only available in electronic format)
Amos: Thomas E. McComiskey (single volume only available in electronic format)
Obadiah: Carl E. Armerding (single volume only available in electronic format)
Jonah: John Walton – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Micah: Thomas E. McComiskey (single volume only available in electronic format)
Nahum: Carl E. Armerding (single volume only available in electronic format)
Habakkuk: Carl E. Armerding (single volume only available in electronic format)
Zephaniah: Larry L. Walker (single volume only available in electronic format)
Haggai: Eugene H. Merrill – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Zechariah: Kenneth L. Barker (single volume only available in electronic format)
Malachi: Eugene H. Merrill – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
New Testament Volumes
Original (1976)
Volume 8: Matthew, Mark, Luke | Hardback | Pages: 1,059
Authors and additional formats:
Matthew: D. A. Carson (2-volume paperback volume available)
Mark: Walter W. Wessel (paperback volume available)
Luke: Walter L. Liefeld (paperback volume available)
Revised (2012)
Volume 9: Matthew and Mark | Hardback | Pages: 992
Authors and additional formats:
Matthew: D. A. Carson (single volume only available in electronic format)
Mark: Walter W. Wessel and Mark L. Strauss – Strauss new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 9: John and Acts | Hardback | Pages: 592
Authors and additional formats:
John: Merrill C. Tenney (paperback volume)
Acts: Richard N. Longenecker (paperback volume)
Revised (2012)
Volume 10: Luke – Acts | Hardback | Pages: 1,104
Authors and additional formats:
Luke: Walter L. Liefeld and David W. Pao – Pao new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
John: Robert H. Mounce – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Acts: Richard N. Longenecker (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 10: Romans through Galatians | Hardback | Pages: 528
Authors and additional formats:
Romans: Everett F. Harrison (paperback volume)
1 Corinthians: W. Harold Mare (paperback volume)
2 Corinthians: Murray J. Harris (paperback volume)
Galatians: James Montgomery Boice (paperback volume)
Revised (2012)
Volume 11: Romans–Galatians | Hardback | Pages: 640
Authors and additional formats:
Romans: Everett F. Harrison and Donald A. Hagner – Hagner new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
1 Corinthians: Verlyn D. Verbrugge – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
2 Corinthians: Murray J. Harris (single volume only available in electronic format)
Galatians: Robert Keith Rapa – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 11: Ephesians through Philemon | Hardback | Pages: 480
Authors and additional formats:
Ephesians: A. Skevington Wood (paperback volume)
Philippians: Homer A. Kent, Jr. (paperback volume)
Colossians: Curtis Vaughan (paperback volume)
1, 2 Thessalonians: Robert L. Thomas (paperback volume)
1, 2, Timothy: Ralph Earle (paperback volume)
Titus: D. Edmond Hiebert (paperback volume)
Philemon: Arthur A. Rupprecht (paperback volume)
Revised (2012)
Volume 12: Ephesians – Philemon | Hardback | Pages: 656
Authors and additional formats:
Ephesians: William W. Klein – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Philippians: David E. Garland – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Colossians: Todd D. Still – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
1 Thessalonians: Robert L. Thomas (single volume only available in electronic format)
2 Thessalonians: Robert L. Thomas (single volume only available in electronic format)
1 Timothy: Andreas J. Köstenberger – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
2 Timothy: Andreas J. Köstenberger – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Titus: Andreas J. Köstenberger – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Philemon: Arthur A. Rupprecht (single volume only available in electronic format)
Original (1976)
Volume 12: Hebrews through Revelation | Hardback | Pages: 624
Authors and additional formats:
Hebrews: Leon Morris (paperback volume)
James: Donald W. Burdick (paperback volume)
1, 2 Peter: Edwin A. Blum (paperback volume)
1, 2, 3 John: Glenn W. Barker (paperback volume)
Jude: Edwin A. Blum (paperback volume)
Revelation: Alan F. Johnson (paperback volume)
Revised (2012)
Volume 13: Hebrews–Revelation | Hardback | Pages: 800
Authors and additional formats:
Hebrews: R. T. France – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
James: George Guthrie – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
1 Peter: Daryl Charles – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
2 Peter: Daryl Charles – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
1 John: Tom Thatcher – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
2 John: Tom Thatcher – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
3 John: Tom Thatcher – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Jude: Daryl Charles – new to revised version (single volume only available in electronic format)
Revelation: Alan F. Johnson (single volume only available in electronic format)
- Found in the “Preface” of any volume in the series.
- Sadgrove, Michael. Source: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 34 no 5 Jun 2010, p 119. (subscription required)