Reformed Expository Commentaries (REC) | Reviews, Theology

The Reformed Expository Commentary series is an expositional biblical studies resource that features Calvinist authors and their Christ-centered interpretation of Scripture.

“Expository” refers to the nature of the content, which reads like expository sermons.

Reformed Expository Commentary
Reformed Expository Commentary volumes are published in high-quality hardback format

The Reformed Expository Commentary series is suitable for all readers, as its content is accessible to both pastors as well as laypeople.

These commentaries could be used for bible studies, small groups, and as devotional aids.

Which commentary series is best for your purposes? See Best Bible Commentaries: Top 50. Based on aggregate reviews.

All authors are either professors or pastors. REC authors have preached through the biblical book on which their commentary is based, so the homiletical insights come from first-hand pulpit experience.

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Reformed Expository Commentary (REC): Reviews

World Magazine names the REC series the 2017 “Series of the Year”

Bible scholar Albert Mohler called the REC series: “A rare combination of biblical insight, theological substance, and pastoral application.”

Pastor Mark Dever said of the REC series: “Some commentaries lose the forest for the trees, and others the trees for the forest. This series promises to be both exegetically sensitive and theologically faithful.”

Pastor C.J. Mahaney said the REC series is a “rare blend of insightful exegesis and discerning application. What’s more, you’ll find the glories of Christ shining through texts that can otherwise appear obscure and irrelevant.”

Author Bryan Chapell said: “Those of us who regularly preach need commentaries that provide the best biblical scholarship and that also understand the challenges of today’s pastorate. This series ably speaks to both needs.”

Theologian Sinclair Fergueson said, “Here is exposition modeled by pastors with scholarly gifts and by scholars with pastor’s hearts. Exegetical and theological reliability, redemptive-historical sensitivity, a Christ-centered focus, and contemporary practical application—these are promised hallmarks of the series.”

REC Author interviews on Best Bible Commentaries

Theologian A few authors in the REC series have participated in Q&A interviews with Best Bible Commentaries. Please follow the provided links to read the interviews in full.

Matthew – Daniel Doriani

Preview: “Paul Kooistra was the president of Covenant Seminary when I arrived and he had several great principles.

He wanted to present a ‘warm and winsome Calvinism,’ he wanted to hire a faculty of ‘pastor-scholars’ and he wanted students to “love Jesus more” when they graduated than when they came.

That seemed exactly right and what better way to love Jesus than to study the gospels to discover his power and grace, and to know who he is than by observing his actions and hearing his words.”

More REC author interviews on Best Bible Commentaries:

Reformed Expository Commentary
Old Testament volumes in the Reformed Expository Commentary series are red and yellow

The Purpose of the Reformed Expository Commentary Series

All the books in the Reformed Expository Commentary series are accessible to both pastors and lay readers.

Each volume in the series provides exposition that gives careful attention to the biblical text, is doctrinally Reformed, focuses on Christ through the lens of redemptive history, and applies the Bible to our contemporary setting.

New Testament Volumes

The links below go to Amazon using each book’s exact ISBN.

Matthew – Daniel M. Doriani

Luke – Philip Graham Ryken

John – Richard D. Phillips

Acts – Derek W.H. Thomas

Galatians – Philip Graham Ryken

Ephesians – Bryan Chapell

Philippians – Dennis E. Johnson

1 and 2 Thessalonians – Richard D. Phillips

1 Timothy – Philip Graham Ryken

Hebrews – Richard D. Phillips

James – Daniel M. Doriani

1 Peter – Daniel M. Doriani

1–3 John – Douglas Sean O’Donnell

Revelation – Richard D. Phillips

Old Testament Volumes

1 Samuel – Richard D. Phillips

1 Kings – Philip Graham Ryken

Ezra and Nehemiah – Derek W.H. Thomas

Esther and Ruth – Iain M. Duguid

Ecclesiastes – Douglas Sean O’Donnell

Song of Songs – Iain M. Duguid

Daniel – Iain M. Duguid

Jonah and Micah – Richard D. Phillips

Zechariah – Richard D. Phillips

Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi – Matthew P. Harmon