What Does Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) Believe?

Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) stands as a significant institution in the landscape of theological education.

Established to provide robust training grounded in the Reformed tradition, RTS has, since its inception, equipped countless leaders, pastors, and thinkers to serve in various capacities worldwide.

This article seeks to provide a clear understanding of the beliefs that shape the teachings and ethos of RTS, exploring its historical roots, core doctrinal positions, and engagement with both traditional and contemporary theological topics.

seminary classroom
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Historical Roots and Foundational Vision

Reformed Theological Seminary traces its origins to the broader Reformed movement, which itself emerged from the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.

The Reformation, led by figures such as Martin Luther and John Calvin, sought to return Christianity to its scriptural foundations, emphasizing doctrines such as the sovereignty of God and justification by faith alone.

In this tradition, RTS was founded with the aim of fostering a deep and rigorous understanding of the Bible, consistent with Reformed theology.

From its earliest days, the seminary prioritized a commitment to the authority of the Scriptures, viewing them as the infallible word of God and the primary source for understanding Christian doctrine and life.

The foundational vision of RTS was not just academic.

The seminary was established with the intent to serve the church by preparing its students for ministry.

This involved rigorous theological training and cultivating a heart for service, ensuring that graduates would be equipped to shepherd congregations, lead missions, and engage in scholarly pursuits, all while upholding the tenets of the Reformed tradition.

Over the years, as RTS expanded and established campuses in various locations, this foundational vision remained consistent.

The seminary continued to champion the Reformed tradition, ensuring that each new generation of students received an education deeply rooted in the historical and theological heritage from which RTS was born.

Christian seminary
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Core Doctrinal Stances

At the heart of Reformed Theological Seminary’s teaching is its adherence to Reformed theology.

This theological framework emphasizes several key doctrines that have consistently shaped the instruction and ethos of RTS.

First and foremost is the sovereignty of God.

This doctrine underscores God’s supreme authority over all of creation, including human affairs.

It posits that God’s purposes and plans are immutable and that He governs all things according to His divine will.

Closely related is the teaching on the doctrines of grace.

Central to this is the belief in predestination, the idea that God, before the foundation of the world, chose those who would be saved.

This selection is not based on the individual’s foreseen merit or action but solely on God’s grace and mercy.

The authority and inerrancy of the Scriptures are also paramount in RTS’s doctrinal framework.

The Bible is viewed as the inspired word of God, free from error in its original manuscripts.

It serves as the ultimate standard for faith and practice, providing guidance and clarity on all matters of doctrine and life.

Furthermore, RTS holds traditional views on foundational Christian beliefs such as the Trinity, affirming the existence of one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Additionally, Christology, or the study of the nature and work of Jesus Christ, holds that Christ is both fully divine and fully human, and His sacrificial death on the cross is the sole means of atonement for human sin.

Finally, covenant theology, which sees God’s relationship with humanity through a series of covenants, is a distinctive feature of Reformed theology and, by extension, RTS’s teaching.

This perspective shapes the seminary’s understanding of topics ranging from the nature of salvation to the role of the church in God’s redemptive plan.

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The Importance of Church and Sacraments

The church occupies a central place in the teachings and vision of Reformed Theological Seminary.

Rooted in the Reformed tradition, RTS views the church not merely as an institution but as the body of Christ, a community of believers united by their faith in Jesus Christ and their commitment to His teachings.

This understanding of the church emphasizes its dual role: on one hand, as a place of worship, fellowship, and discipleship for believers, and on the other, as a beacon of light in the world, tasked with the mission of proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations.

Accompanying this view of the church is the emphasis on sacraments, particularly baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

In Reformed theology, sacraments are considered means of grace — not merely symbolic rituals but channels through which God’s grace is conveyed to believers.

Baptism, for instance, is seen as a sign and seal of the covenant of grace.

It marks the individual’s entrance into the community of believers and serves as a visible testament to God’s promise of salvation.

While different Reformed communities might have varying practices regarding infant or believer’s baptism, the underlying significance of the sacrament remains consistent within RTS teachings.

The Lord’s Supper, also known as Communion, is another pivotal sacrament in the Reformed tradition.

Celebrated regularly within the church community, it serves as a commemoration of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and a means of spiritual nourishment for believers.

By partaking in the elements of bread and wine, which symbolize Christ’s body and blood, believers are reminded of the new covenant established through His death and resurrection.

In essence, both the church and the sacraments are integral to the life of a believer, as taught by Reformed Theological Seminary.

They encapsulate the communal aspect of Christianity and underscore the continuous need for grace, fellowship, and commitment to the teachings of Christ.

Engagement with Contemporary Issues

In an ever-changing world, institutions of theological education, such as Reformed Theological Seminary, recognize the importance of addressing modern challenges and questions.

RTS, grounded in its Reformed tradition, actively engages with contemporary issues, ensuring that its teachings remain relevant and applicable.

One of the hallmarks of RTS’s approach is its commitment to scriptural authority.

Even when addressing modern concerns, the seminary emphasizes the timeless truths found within the Bible, viewing it as the foundational guidepost for navigating complexities.

By fostering rigorous biblical scholarship and exegesis, RTS equips its students to understand and apply Scripture effectively to present-day scenarios.

Issues of ethics, morality, and social justice often intersect with theology.

RTS encourages thoughtful reflection on these topics, promoting an understanding that is both deeply rooted in Scripture and responsive to current events.

By fostering dialogues on topics such as bioethics, economic disparities, and racial reconciliation, the seminary ensures that its students are well-prepared to lead with wisdom and compassion in their respective ministries and communities.

Technology and its implications for faith and practice is another area of engagement.

With advancements in fields like artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, and digital communication, new questions arise about humanity, identity, and morality.

RTS fosters discussions on these topics, exploring the potential challenges and opportunities they present for the church and individual believers.

Finally, while firmly rooted in its doctrinal positions, RTS also emphasizes the importance of gracious dialogue with differing viewpoints.

Recognizing that the global church consists of a vast array of traditions and beliefs, the seminary encourages its students to engage in respectful conversations with those outside the Reformed tradition.

This approach broadens perspectives and strengthens the seminary’s commitment to unity within the body of Christ.

In conclusion, Reformed Theological Seminary’s engagement with contemporary issues reflects its dedication to equipping believers for thoughtful, informed, and compassionate ministry in the modern world.

Global Vision and Missional Commitment

Reformed Theological Seminary’s perspective is not limited to any one geographical region or cultural context.

Instead, RTS embodies a global vision, recognizing that the message of the gospel is universal, intended for every nation, tribe, and tongue.

This understanding shapes the seminary’s approach to education, outreach, and its broader mission.

At the heart of RTS’s global vision is a commitment to the Great Commission — the mandate given by Jesus to His disciples to make disciples of all nations.

This is not just a historical reference for the seminary but a guiding principle that informs its programs, partnerships, and priorities.

By training students from various parts of the world, RTS is actively involved in equipping leaders who can impact their own communities and beyond with the transformative power of the gospel.

Additionally, the seminary extends its educational reach through online courses and satellite campuses, ensuring that quality theological education is accessible to individuals across different continents.

Such initiatives reflect RTS’s dedication to preparing a global cohort of leaders, rooted in Reformed theology yet adaptable to their unique cultural and societal contexts.

Beyond education, RTS also fosters partnerships with churches, mission organizations, and theological institutions worldwide.

These collaborations serve multiple purposes: they facilitate cross-cultural exchanges, provide platforms for shared resources and expertise, and strengthen the seminary’s commitment to a unified, global body of Christ.

In its missional commitment, RTS emphasizes not only the proclamation of the gospel but also the holistic transformation of communities.

This means addressing not just spiritual needs but also societal challenges such as poverty, injustice, and education.

By instilling in its students a vision that integrates faith with holistic community engagement, RTS ensures that its graduates are well-versed in theology and compassionate, effective agents of change in their respective spheres of influence.

In essence, Reformed Theological Seminary’s global vision and missional commitment underscore its belief in the universal relevance of the gospel and its dedication to impacting the world for Christ.

Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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