Spanish Bible Commentaries

Spanish-language Bible commentaries are listed below. The number of biblical resources available in Spanish, including Bible commentaries, has increased in recent years, and more will be published this year.

Some commentary volumes are written in Spanish, while others are classic works, from writers like John Calvin and Matthew Henry, that have been translated into Spanish.

Modern commentary writers like John MacArthur, Craig Keener, and Douglas Moo have also seen their commentaries translated into Spanish with excellent reviews.

The list of Spanish-language Bible commentaries below will grow over time as publishers release new volumes. Please bookmark this page and check back for updates.

One-Volume Spanish Commentaries

The MacArthur Bible Manual: An Introductory Study of the Word of God, Book by Book by John F. MacArthur

Link to Amazon: El manual bíblico MacArthur: Un estudio introductorio a la Palabra de Dios, libro por libro

Bible Commentary by Matthew Henry

Link to Amazon: Comentario Biblico De Matthew Henry

Biblical Commentary: Complete Work (Old Testament and New Testament) by William MacDonald

Link to Amazon: Comentario Biblico: Obra Completa (Antiguo Testamento / Nuevo Testamento) by William MacDonald

The Concise Holman Bible Commentary, David S. Dockery, editor

Link to Amazon: Comentario Bíblico Conciso Holman

Commentary on the New Testament – 17 volumes in 1 by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al Nuevo Testamento – 17 tomos en 1

Spanish New Testament Commentaries


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek text of the New Testament: Matthew by Samuel Perez Millos

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Mateo

Matthew by Evis Carballosa

Link to Amazon: Meteo

NIV Application Commentary – Matthew by Michael J. Wilkins

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Mateo: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea 

Commentary to the New Testament – Matthew by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T (Mateo) 


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Mark by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario Exegético al texto griego del N.T. – Marcos

NIV Application Commentary – Mark by David E. Garland

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Marcos: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea

Exegetical-Practical Commentary of the New Testament – Mark by Mark Strauss

Link to Amazon: Marcos: Comentario Exegético-Práctico del Nuevo Testamento 

Commentary to the New Testament – Mark by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 03 – Marcos (Comentario Al Nuevo Testamento) 


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Luke by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Lucas

Commentary to the New Testament – Luke by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 04 – Lucas (Comentario Al Nuevo Testamento)


Swindoll Commentary on the New Testament – John by Charles Swindoll

Link to Amazon: Comentario Swindoll del Nuevo Testamento: Juan

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – John by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario Exegético al texto griego del N.T. – Juan

Commentary to the New Testament – John by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario Al N.T. Vol. 5 Juan 


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Acts by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al Griego del Nuevo Testamento Hechos

The Book of Acts by Stanley M. Horton

Link to Amazon: Libro de Hechos, El by Stanley M. Horton

NIV Application Commentary – Acts by Ajith Fernando

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Hechos: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea

Commentary to the New Testament – Acts by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 07 Hechos (Comentario Al Nuevo Testamento)


For You: Romans 1-8 by Timothy Keller

Link to Amazon: Romanos 1-7 para Ti

For You: Romans 9-16 by Tim Keller

Link to Amazon:  Romanos 8-16 para Ti

Commentary on the Epistle of the Romans by John Calvin

Link to Amazon: Comentario a la epistola de los Romanos: Libro de estudio para la edificacion de la iglesia by John Calvin

Swindoll Commentary on the New Testament – Romans by Charles Swindoll

Link to Amazon: Comentario Swindoll del Nuevo Testamento: Romanos

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Romans by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Romanos

NIV Application Commentary – Romans by Douglas Moo

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Romanos: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea

Commentary on the Epistle of Romans (Biblical Comments) by Douglas Moo

Link to Amazon: Comentario a la Epístola de Romanos (Comentarios Biblicos)

Romans by Evis Carballosa

Link to Amazon: Romanos by Evis Carballosa

Romans by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 08 – Romanos

1-2 Corinthians

NIV Application Commentary – 1 Corinthians by Craig Blomberg

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 1 Corintios: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea

NIV Application Commentary – 2 Corinthians by Scott J. Hafemann

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 2 Corintios: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea

Corinthians by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 09 – Corintios


Galatians For You by Tim Keller

Link to Amazon: Gálatas para Ti

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Galatians by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al Griego del Nuevo Testamento Gálatas

NIV Application Commentary – Galatians by Scott McKnight

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Gálatas: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea

Galatians by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 10 – Gálatas y Efesios


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Ephesians by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Efesios

Exegetical-Practical Commentary of the New Testament – Ephesians by Clinton E. Arnold

Link to Amazon: Efesios: Comentario Exegético-Práctico del Nuevo Testamento 

NIV Application Commentary – Ephesians by Klyne Snodgrass

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Efesios: Del texto bíblico a una aplicación contemporánea


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Philippians by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario Exegético al texto griego del N.T. – Filipenses

NIV Application Commentary – Philippians by Frank S. Thielman

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Filipenses

Philippians, Colossians, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 11 – Filipenses, Colosenses, 1a y 2a Tesalonicenses 

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Colossians, Philemon by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Colosenses

NIV Application Commentary – Colossians and Philemon by David E. Garland

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Colosenses y Filemón

Philippians, Colossians, and 1 and 2 Thessalonians by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 11 – Filipenses, Colosenses, 1a y 2a Tesalonicenses by William Barclay

1-2 Thessalonians

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – 1 and 2 Thessalonians by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario Exegético al texto griego del N.T. – 1 y 2 Tesalonicense

NIV Application Commentary – 1 and 2 Thessalonians by Michael W. Holmes

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 1 y 2 Tesalonicenses

1 and 2 Thessalonians by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 11 – Filipenses, Colosenses, 1a y 2a Tesalonicenses by William Barclay

1-2 Timothy, Titus

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – 1 and Timothy, Titus, and Philemon by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon Comentario Exegético al texto griego del N.T. – 1 y 2 Timoteo, Tito y Filemón

NIV Application Commentary – 1 and 2 Thessalonians by Walter L. Liefeld

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 1 y 2 Timoteo, Tito

1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 12 – 1a y 2a Timoteo, Tito, Filemón 


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Hebrews by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Hebrews Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Hebreos

NIV Application Commentary – 1 and 2 Thessalonians by George H. Guthrie

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Hebreos


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – James by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Santiago

James by Evis Carballosa

Link to Amazon: Santiago: Una fe en acción by Evis Carballosa

Swindoll Commentary on the New Testament: James, 1 and 2 Peter by Charles Swindoll

Link to Amazon: Comentario Swindoll del Nuevo Testamento: Santiago, 1 y 2 Pedro

NIV Application Commentary – James by David P. Nystrom

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI Santiago 

James by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 14 – Santiago y Pedro

1-2 Peter

Swindoll Commentary on the New Testament – James, 1 and 2 Peter by Charles Swindoll

Link to Amazon: Comentario Swindoll del Nuevo Testamento: Santiago, 1 y 2 Pedro

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – 1 and 2 Peter by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: 1 2 Peter Comentario exegético al texto griego del N.T. – 1ª y 2ª de Pedr

NIV Application Commentary – 2 Peter and Jude by Douglas J. Moo

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 2 Pedro y Judas

NIV Application Commentary – 1 Peter by Scot McKnight

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 1 Pedro 

1-3 John, Jude

Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – 1, 2,3 John, and Jude by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: 1-3 John Comentario Exegético al texto griego del N.T. – 1ª, 2ª, 3ª Juan y Judas

NIV Application Commentary – 2 Peter and Jude by Douglas J. Moo

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicación NVI 2 Pedro y Judas

Exegetical-Practical Commentary of the New Testament – 1, 2, 3 by Karen Jobes

Link to Amazon: 1, 2 y 3 Juan: Comentario exegético-práctico del Nuevo Testamento 

1, 2, 3 John, and Jude by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T. Vol. 15 – 1a,2a,3a Juan y Judas 


Exegetical Commentary on the Greek Text of the New Testament – Revelation by Samuel Milios

Link to Amazon: Comentario exegético al texto griego del Nuevo Testamento: Apocalipsis

Revelation by Evis Carballosa

Link to Amazon: Apocalipsis: La Consumacion del Plan Eterno de Dios 

NIV Application Commentary – Revelation by Douglas J. Moo

Link to Amazon: Comentario bíblico con aplicacion NVI Apocalipsis

Revelation by William Barclay

Link to Amazon: Comentario al N.T (Apocalipsis I. Vol.16) 

Spanish Old Testament Commentaries

Genesis by Evis Carballosa

Link to Amazon: Génesis: La historia de los orígenes 

Daniel by Evis Carballosa

Link to Amazon: Daniel y el reino mesiánico 

Daniel by Kittim Silva-Bermúdez

Link to Amazon: Daniel historia y profecía 

Also see:

Best commentaries on John

Best commentaries on Acts

Best commentaries on Genesis