Systematic Theology Books [Comparison]

Systematic theology books are plentiful. Almost every theological viewpoint, like Arminian, Reformed, and Pentecostal, and every Christian denomination, like Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist, has a corresponding Systematic Theology book that reflects their positions on different topics of Scripture.

Yet looking at a book’s cover, or even reading the back of it, does not always tell a person what viewpoints are defended inside it. Systematic Theology books can be expensive, so it’s important for a person to know what they are buying or using to ensure it is the right fit for them.

Systematic theology books

Systematic Theology Comparison Chart

The Systematic Theology comparison tables below are intended to point the reader in the right direction for their specific purposes. After the tables, see summaries of five Systematic Theology books in each of the following traditions: Reformed (Calvinist), Arminian, Baptist, and Pentecostal.

Barth, Karl

Church Dogmatics by Karl Barth
Title: Church Dogmatics. Perspective: Swiss Reformed, Neo-Orthodox. Other notes: It’s 14 volumes.

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Herman Bavinck dogmatics
Title: Reformed Dogmatics. Perspective: Dutch Reformed, Calvinistic. Other notes: J.I. Packer calls it a “supreme achievement.”

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Louis Berkof Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Dutch-American Reformed, Calvinistic. Other notes: Berkof was a pastor and professor at Calvin Seminary.

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Berkouwer theology
Title: Studies in Dogmatics. Perspective: Dutch Reformed, Calvinistic. Other notes: It’s 14 volumes.

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Michael Bird Evangelical Theology
Title: Evangelical Theology. Perspective: Evangelical. Other notes: Bird argues that the center of theology is the gospel.

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Donald Bloesch theology
Title: Christian Foundations. Perspective: Bloesch referred to himself as a “progressive evangelical.” Other notes: The amount of volumes varies by edition.

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James Boice theology
Title: Foundations of the Christian Faith. Perspective: Reformed. Other notes: Boice founded the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals.

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James Buswell Systematic Theology
Title: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion

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John Calvin theology
Title: Institutes of the Christian Religion. Perspective: Reformed. Other notes: Calvin started writing at this book at 26, and revised it until his death at age 54

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Chafer Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Dispensational premillennialism. Other notes: Standard set is eight volumes, founded Dallas Theological Seminary.

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Robert Culver Systematic Theology

Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Reformed. Other notes: R. Albert Mohler calls it “bold, comprehensive.”

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Christian Theology Millard Erickson
Title: Christian Theology. Perspective: Baptist, conservative, evangelical. Other notes: This is the seminary-level edition (see below).

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Millard Erickson Christian Doctrine
Title: Introducing Christian Doctrine. Perspective: Baptist, conservative, evangelical. Other notes: This edition is best for laypeople and undergraduates.

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Thomas Finger Christian Theology
Title: Christian Theology. Perspective: Anabaptist, e.g., Mennonite, Brethren. Notes: Finger taught at Mennonite seminaries.

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John Frame Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Reformed, Calvinist, presuppositions apologetics. Notes: John Piper calls it “massive, magnificent, and biblical.”

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James Garrett Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Southern Baptist. Notes: Users call it helpful to pastors and those teaching theology.

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Norman Geisler Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Geisler considered himself a “moderate Calvinist,” rejecting Limited Atonement. Notes: Four volumes in one.

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Wayne Grudem Bible Doctrine
Title: Bible Doctrine. Perspective: Evangelical, non-cessationist. Notes: This edition is best for laypeople and undergraduates (see below).

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Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Evangelical, non-cessationist. Notes: This edition is best for seminary students.

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Colin Gunton Christian Faith
Title: The Christian Faith. Perspective: The author is a member of the United Reformed Church (U.K.). Notes: Content follows the Nicene Creed.

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Bradley Hanson Christian Theology
Title: Christian Theology. Perspective: Lutheran. Notes: Introductory.

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Carl Henry theology
Title: Revelation and Authority. Perspective: Baptist, evangelical. Notes: The standard edition is six volumes.

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Charles Hodge Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Reformed Presbyterian. Notes: The author is known for his commentary on Romans.

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Michael Horton Christian Faith
Title: The Christian Faith. Perspective: Reformed, Calvinistic. Notes: This edition is best for seminary students.

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Michael Horton Pilgrim Theology
Title: Pilgrim Theology. Perspective: Reformed, Calvinistic. Notes: This edition is best for laypeople and undergraduates.

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Stanley Horton Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Pentecostal. Notes: Multiple authors contribute to this volume.

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Robert Jensen Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Lutheran. Notes: The author studied under Barth.

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Robert Letham Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Reformed Presbyterian. Notes: The author teaches at Wales Evangelical School of Theology.

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Lewis and

Integrative Theology Lewis Demarest
Title: Integrative Theology. Perspective: Baptist, conservative. Notes: It integrates historical, biblical, systematic, apologetic, and practical theology.

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Martyn Lloyd Jones Great Doctrines
Title: Great Doctrines of the Bible. Perspective: Reformed, Calvinistic. Notes: The cover image is for the three-in-one edition.

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Biblical Doctrine by John MacArthur
Title: Biblical Doctrine. Perspective: Reformed, Baptist, cessationist. Notes: Best for pastors and seminary students.

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James McClendon Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Anabaptist, e.g., Mennonite, Brethren. Notes: Focuses on theological ethics.

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Systematic Theology by Rolland McCune
Title: Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity. Perspective: Independent Baptist. Notes: Published by Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary.

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Alister McGrath Christian Theology
Title: Christian Theology. Perspective: Anglican, Theistic evolution. Notes: The companion volume is called, A Christian Theology Reader.

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and Horton

Bible Doctrines Menzies Horton
Title: Bible Doctrines. Perspective: Both authors are members of Assemblies of God. Notes: Content follows 16 Fundamentals of Faith of the AG.

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Thomas Oden Classic Christianity
Title: Classic Christianity. Perspective: Arminian, Methodist. Notes: It reportedly brings today’s church “the best wisdom from its past.”

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Roger Olson Mosaic Christian Belief
Title: The Mosaic of Christian Belief. Perspective: American Baptist, Arminian. Notes: Best for evangelical laypeople.

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Concise Theology J.I. Packer
Title: Concise Theology. Perspective: Anglican, Calvinist, evangelical. Notes: The paperback usually sells for under $15.

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Wolfhart Pannenberg Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Lutheran. Notes: The approach to theology is grounded in historical revelation.

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Robert Reymond New Systematic Theology
Title: A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith. Perspective: Reformed Presbyterian. Notes: Upholds classic Calvinist positions.

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Charles Ryrie Basic Theology
Title: Basic Theology. Perspective: Baptist, Dispensational. Notes: Contains 94 short chapters.

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James Sawyer theology
Title: The Survivor’s Guide to Theology. Perspective: Baptist, evangelical, dispensational. Notes: Introductory.

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William Shedd Dogmatic Theology
Title: Dogmatic Theology. Perspective: Reformed Presbyterian. Notes: Sheed was a leading theologian of the 19th century.

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R.C. Sproul theology
Title: Everyone’s A Theologian. Perspective: Reformed Presbyterian. Notes: Introductory.

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Augustus Strong Systematic Theology
Title: Systematic Theology. Perspective: Reformed, Baptist. Notes: Readers within its tradition consider it a classic.

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Thiessen, Henry

Henry Thiessen Lectures Theology
Title: Lectures in Systematic Theology. Perspective: evangelical, dispensational akin to Chaefer. Notes: Affordable paperback, revised in 1979.

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Paul Tillich Systematic Theology
Title: Lectures in Systematic Theology. Perspective: Some Lutherans and evangelicals argue he is pantheistic. Notes: Three volumes.

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Vos Reformed Dogmatics
Title: Reformed Dogmatics. Perspective: Dutch-American Reformed Presbyterian. Notes: Michael Horton (see above) recommends.

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B.B. Warfiled theology
Title: Studies In Theology. Perspective: Reformed Presbyterian championed inerrancy. Notes: Standard set is published in 10 volumes.

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Orton Wiley Christian Theology
Title: Christian Theology. Perspective: Wesleyan, Holiness, Church of the Nazarene.

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Rodman Williams Renewal Theology
Title: Renewal Theology. Perspective: Pentecostal. Notes: Pentecostal, Renewal theologian from the charismatic tradition.

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Reformed Systematic Theology Books

“Reformed Dogmatics” (links in this section go to Amazon) by Herman Bavinck: This comprehensive four-volume work is highly regarded in Reformed circles. Bavinck thoroughly examines various theological topics, including God, creation, Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.

“Systematic Theology” by John M. Frame: This book offers a Reformed perspective on systematic theology. Frame covers a wide range of topics, including the nature and authority of Scripture, the attributes of God, divine providence, the person and work of Christ, the application of redemption, and the church.

“Institutes of the Christian Religion” by John Calvin: Written by one of the key figures of the Reformation, Calvin’s “Institutes” is a foundational work of Reformed theology. It covers various aspects of Christian doctrine, including the knowledge of God, creation, sin, Christology, the sacraments, and the Christian life.

“Reformed Dogmatics” by G. C. Berkouwer: This multi-volume work by Berkouwer explores various theological topics from a Reformed perspective. He delves into themes such as the knowledge of God, Christology, the work of the Holy Spirit, and the sacraments.

Arminian Systematic Theology Books

“A Wesleyan-Holiness Theology” by J. Kenneth Grider: This book presents a systematic theology from a Wesleyan-Arminian perspective. It explores various theological topics, including the nature of God, the doctrine of salvation, sanctification, the church, and eschatology.

“Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities” by Roger E. Olson: Olson provides a comprehensive overview of Arminian theology, addressing common misconceptions and clearly presenting key Arminian beliefs. He covers topics such as predestination, free will, grace, and the nature of God’s sovereignty.

“Classical Arminianism: A Theology of Salvation” by F. Leroy Forlines: Forlines offers a comprehensive theological exploration of Classical Arminianism, addressing topics like God’s foreknowledge, predestination, the atonement, faith, and the security of believers.

Baptist Systematic Theology Books

“Baptist Theology: A Four-Century Study” by James Leo Garrett Jr.: This comprehensive work explores Baptist theology throughout its history, examining key themes, doctrines, and theological developments. It provides insights into the distinctive theological perspectives within the Baptist tradition.

“A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion” by James Petigru Boyce: Boyce, a prominent Baptist theologian, presents a systematic theology from a Reformed Baptist perspective. His work addresses various theological topics, including God, Christology, salvation, the church, and eschatology.

“The Baptist Faith and Message” edited by Herschel H. Hobbs: Although not strictly a systematic theology book, “The Baptist Faith and Message” is a statement of beliefs and doctrinal positions adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention. It outlines the core theological convictions of Southern Baptists.

Pentecostal Systematic Theology Books

“Systematic Theology: A Pentecostal Perspective” by Stanley M. Horton: This book provides a comprehensive systematic theology from a Pentecostal perspective. It explores various theological topics, including the doctrine of God, Christology, pneumatology (doctrine of the Holy Spirit), soteriology, ecclesiology, and eschatology.

“Pentecostal Theology: A Theology of Encounter” by Keith Warrington: Warrington offers a systematic theology that emphasizes the experiential dimension of Pentecostal theology. He explores key theological themes, including the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, divine healing, worship, and the church’s mission.

“Systematic Theology” by J. Rodman Williams: Williams, a prominent Pentecostal theologian, presents a systematic theology that reflects his charismatic and pneumatological emphasis. His work covers topics such as the nature of God, Christology, pneumatology, salvation, the church, and eschatology.

“Spirit and Power: Foundations of Pentecostal Experience” by William W. Menzies and Robert P. Menzies: This book introduces Pentecostal theology, addressing theological themes from a biblical and historical perspective. It explores topics such as baptism in the Holy Spirit, spiritual gifts, and the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer and the church.

Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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