Biblical Theology vs. Exegetical Theology: Compared

If you’re involved in Christian ministry or simply interested in understanding Christian teachings more deeply, you’ve likely come across terms like “exegetical theology” and “biblical theology.”

While they may seem similar, these two fields have distinct focuses and applications.

This article aims to clarify what sets them apart, how they’re commonly used in ministry, and why knowing the difference can be incredibly beneficial.

Christian Bible
What are the applications for exegetical and biblical theology? See below

Comparing Exegetical and Biblical Theology: An Overview

Exegetical TheologyBiblical Theology
FocusIndividual Bible passagesOverarching themes across the Bible
MethodologyLanguage analysis, historical contextTracing themes from Old to New Testament
Common ToolsLanguage dictionaries, historical researchThematic analysis, timeline mapping
Application in MinistrySermon preparation, Bible studyEducational settings, thematic teachings
BenefitsDetailed understanding of specific textsBroader view connecting different parts of the Bible
Common UsesAnswering questions about specific passagesUnderstanding the bigger picture of Christian teachings
Ideal ForChurch leaders, Bible study teachersEducators, those interested in thematic studies
Holy Bible
What are examples of exegetical and biblical theology? See below

Grasping the Basics of Exegetical Theology

Exegetical theology focuses on interpreting individual passages of the Bible.

The aim is to understand the original meaning of the text, taking into account its historical and cultural context.

This form of theology often employs tools like language analysis, historical research, and literary criticism to get to the heart of what a specific verse or passage is saying.

In terms of its application in ministry, exegetical theology is frequently used in sermon preparation and Bible study.

It allows church leaders and teachers to offer a detailed explanation of specific texts, thereby helping the congregation or study group gain a deeper understanding of the Bible.

It’s a go-to method for anyone looking to explore the nuances of biblical text and provide clear, well-informed explanations.

Eight examples of exegetical theology

Sermon on the Mount Analysis: Examining the language and historical context of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount to understand its ethical teachings.

Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians: A close look at the cultural background of Corinth to better understand the issues Paul addresses in his letters.

Genesis Creation Account: Language analysis of the first chapters of Genesis to explore the meaning of the creation story.

Parables of Jesus: Investigating the social norms of the time to understand the deeper messages behind Jesus’ parables.

Revelation’s Symbolism: Studying the symbols and imagery in the Book of Revelation to understand its apocalyptic messages.

Isaiah’s Prophecies: Analyzing the historical setting and language of Isaiah to grasp the prophecies concerning Israel and the coming Messiah.

The Ten Commandments: Examining the social and legal context of ancient Israel to understand the significance of the Ten Commandments.

Peter’s Pentecost Speech: A detailed look at Peter’s speech in Acts 2, considering its Old Testament references and its impact on the early Christian community.

Bible Study
How can exegetical and biblical theology be used in churches? See below

Grasping the Basics of Biblical Theology

Biblical theology is all about exploring the big picture of the Bible.

It aims to understand how key themes and concepts develop and connect from the Old Testament to the New.

Unlike exegetical theology, which focuses on individual passages, biblical theology takes a more holistic approach.

It looks at how themes like covenant, the kingdom of God, and salvation evolve over the course of the entire biblical narrative.

In practical terms, biblical theology is often used in educational settings.

It’s a great way to help people see the overarching story of the Bible and how its various parts fit together.

For example, understanding how the concept of covenant is introduced in the Old Testament and fulfilled in the New can provide a deeper understanding of the Bible’s unified message.

This approach is particularly useful for those who want to grasp how the Bible’s many books and genres come together to form a cohesive message.

Eight examples of biblical theology

Covenant Theology: Tracing the concept of covenant from its origins in the Old Testament through its fulfillment in the New Testament.

Kingdom of God: Exploring how the theme of God’s kingdom develops from Genesis to Revelation, including its present and future aspects.

Messiah in Scripture: Following the concept of the Messiah as it evolves from the early prophecies in the Old Testament to its realization in Jesus Christ.

Salvation History: Examining how the Bible presents the story of salvation, from the fall of humanity to redemption through Christ.

The Law and Grace: Investigating how the Bible’s teachings on law and grace interact and evolve from the Old Testament laws to New Testament grace.

Role of Prophets: Studying the function and messages of prophets throughout the Bible and how they contribute to the overall narrative.

The Church in Scripture: Tracing the development of the idea of the Church from the community of Israel in the Old Testament to the New Testament Church.

Eschatology: Exploring biblical teachings about the end times, including prophecies and their fulfillment, from both Old and New Testaments.

Approaches and Applications

When it comes to methodology, exegetical and biblical theology take different routes to achieve their goals.

Exegetical theology zeroes in on specific passages, employing tools like language analysis and historical context to understand the original meaning.

On the other hand, biblical theology looks at the Bible as a whole, tracing themes and concepts as they develop from the Old Testament to the New.

In practical terms, these differences manifest in how each is applied in ministry settings.

Exegetical theology is often the go-to for sermon preparation and Bible study, where a deep dive into individual texts is required.

Biblical theology, meanwhile, is more commonly used in educational settings where the aim is to understand overarching themes in the Bible, such as covenant or the kingdom of God.

Both approaches offer unique benefits. Exegetical theology provides a detailed understanding of specific texts, making it invaluable for answering questions or addressing doubts about particular passages.

Biblical theology offers a broader view, helping to connect the dots between different parts of the Bible, which is especially useful for those looking to understand the bigger picture of Christian teachings.

Understanding the methodologies and applications of both can enrich your ministry and personal study, making you more versatile in how you approach and apply the teachings of the Bible.

Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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