Catholic Bible Commentaries | Helpful Reviews

Catholic Bible commentaries are reference books about Scripture that explain the interpretations and perspectives of the Roman Catholic church.

While Catholic Bible scholars have generated millions of pages of biblical scholarship in the centuries since Christ, modern Bible commentary series synthesize historical interpretations, take into account recent biblical scholarship, and reflect the up-to-date teaching of the Catholic church.

Modern Catholic Bible commentaries come in various forms, such as one-volume commentaries, commentaries on individual books of the Old and New Testament belonging to different series, and Study Bibles.

Also, see Best Bible Commentaries Series: The Top 50 to learn more.

One-Volume Catholic Commentaries

One of the most popular formats for Bible commentaries is the one-volume whole Bible edition, which offers explanations of every book of the Bible. One-volume commentaries often approach Scripture passage-by-passage instead of verse-by-verse as single-book volumes do.

While not as in-depth as commentary volumes that focus on one particular book of the Bible, one-volume whole bible commentaries offer an easy-to-use, affordable alternative. Depending on the reader’s purpose, the one-volume format may be a perfect choice. Below are three of the best.

The Eerdmans
on the Bible

eerdmans one volume commentary
Employs Catholic and Protestant writers

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The New Collegeville
Bible Commentary

collegeville one volume commentary
Includes cross-references to catechisms

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The New Jerome
Biblical Commentary

new jerome bible commentary
Verse-by-verse; over 1,500 pages

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Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible

The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible is a comprehensive and scholarly resource that provides in-depth commentary on the books of the Bible. Published by William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, it offers insights and analysis from a wide range of biblical scholars.

The commentary covers the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament, providing historical, cultural, and literary context for each book. It explores themes, theological concepts, and critical issues within the biblical text, offering a deeper understanding of their meaning and significance.

The Eerdmans Commentary on the Bible includes contributions from respected scholars in biblical studies, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives and expertise. It is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, including students, pastors, and general readers interested in studying the Bible more deeply.

Also, see the Best Commentary on Every Book of the Bible for more options.

The New Collegeville Bible Commentary

The single-volume New Collegeville Bible Commentary is based on the series of the same name.

The New Collegeville Bible Commentary is a series of commentaries on the books of the Bible that aims to provide accessible and reliable explanations and interpretations of the biblical text.

Published by Liturgical Press, the commentary series is intended for scholars and general readers seeking to understand the Bible in its historical and literary context.

The commentary series covers the entire Bible, including the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament. Each book of the Bible is treated individually, with separate volumes dedicated to different books or sections.

The commentaries are written by reputable biblical scholars who bring their expertise and insights to the interpretation of the text.

The New Collegeville Bible Commentary considers the latest scholarly research, archaeological discoveries, and critical methods to shed light on the meaning and significance of the biblical text.

The commentaries explore each book’s historical and cultural background, literary genres, theological themes, and interpretive issues.

One notable feature of the New Collegeville Bible Commentary is its commitment to making the commentary accessible to a wide audience. The language is clear and jargon-free, making it suitable for students, pastors, and general readers interested in deepening their understanding of the Bible.

Also see Reference Bibles vs. Study Bibles for more options.

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary is a scholarly work that provides a comprehensive and authoritative commentary on the books of the Bible. It is a one-volume commentary covering the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament.

Published by Geoffrey Chapman in 1989, The New Jerome Biblical Commentary incorporates contributions from a wide range of biblical scholars, including experts in various fields such as biblical studies, archaeology, theology, and linguistics.

The commentary aims to thoroughly understand the biblical text by exploring their historical, cultural, and literary contexts.

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary offers verse-by-verse commentary on each book of the Bible, examining their structure, content, themes, and theological significance.

It also provides insights into the historical background, social settings, and cultural aspects of the biblical text, helping readers to engage with the Scriptures in a meaningful way.

The commentary utilizes a variety of critical approaches, including historical-critical analysis, literary criticism, and theological interpretation. It draws on the latest scholarly research and incorporates different perspectives and interpretations to present a comprehensive view of the biblical text.

The New Jerome Biblical Commentary is primarily intended for scholars, theologians, and serious students of the Bible who wish to delve into the intricacies and complexities of the biblical text. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for academic study, research, and deeper understanding of the Bible.

Also see Best Commentaries on Matthew for more options.

Catholic Commentary Series

There are other options for those looking for more in-depth Bible commentaries. These volumes can often be purchased as a set but can also be bought individually, enabling readers to build up their library over time.

Commentaries on individual books of the Bible are often part of a series in which every volume looks the same, and the content serves the same purpose. In most commentary series, multiple authors are employed, though some authors may contribute multiple volumes in the set.

Four of the most well-reviewed commentary series are listed below:


sacra pagina commentary
Employs Catholic and
Protestant writers

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New Collegeville
Includes cross-references to catechisms

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Catholic Commentary
on Sacred Scripture

Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture
Verse-by-verse; over 1,500 pages

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Ancient Christian
on Scripture

Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
Hand-selected passages from early church fathers

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Also, see Study Bible Comparison Chart to learn more.

Sacra Pagina

The Sacra Pagina commentary series is a renowned and highly respected collection of Catholic biblical commentaries. It aims to provide an insightful and comprehensive analysis of the books of the New Testament from a Catholic perspective.

Liturgical Press publishes the series and features contributions from Catholic scholars who are experts in their respective fields.

The Sacra Pagina commentaries cover the entire New Testament, including the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Pauline and Catholic Epistles, and the Book of Revelation. Each book is treated individually, with separate volumes dedicated to their analysis.

The commentaries offer verse-by-verse or section-by-section explanations, delving into the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of biblical texts.

One of the distinguishing features of the Sacra Pagina series is its emphasis on the theological interpretation of the New Testament.

The commentaries not only explore the historical and literary aspects of the text but also highlight the theological themes, doctrinal insights, and spiritual significance found within them.

The authors often engage with Catholic tradition, teachings, and exegesis, making the commentaries particularly valuable for those interested in the Catholic interpretation of Scripture.

The Sacra Pagina commentaries are written in a scholarly yet accessible manner, making them suitable for a wide range of readers, including pastors, students, scholars, and general readers interested in studying the New Testament from a Catholic perspective.

The series combines rigorous research, critical analysis, and theological reflection, offering a comprehensive resource for understanding and interpreting the New Testament.

New Collegeville

See the description above for more. The publisher notes that the New Collegeville Bible Commentary series “brings expert insight into the Old and New Testament to Bible study participants, teachers, students, preachers, and all readers of the Bible. Filled with fresh scholarship, the series provides vital background that helps bring the text alive.”

It continues, “The complete Old and New Testament set includes the complete text of each Old and New Testament book, with the commentary on the same or facing page. Review aids and discussion topics make the series eminently practical and useful for individual or group Bible study.” [2]

Also, see Best Revelation Commentaries for more options.

The Catholic Commentary On Sacred Scripture

The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is a series of commentaries on various books of the Bible from a Catholic perspective. Published by Baker Academic, the series aims to provide accessible, faithful, and scholarly interpretations of Scripture for a broad readership, including laypeople, students, and pastors.

The Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture takes a book-by-book approach, with each volume focusing on a specific book or section of the Bible. The series covers both the Old Testament and the New Testament, offering commentary on individual books or groups of books.

The commentaries are written by respected Catholic scholars who bring their expertise in biblical studies, theology, and Catholic tradition to their interpretations. They engage with the historical, cultural, and literary contexts of biblical texts, examining their meaning and relevance for readers today.

The commentaries also explore the theological themes, spiritual insights, and moral implications found within the Scriptures.

One of the distinctive features of the Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is its commitment to the interpretation of Scripture within the Catholic tradition.

The commentaries incorporate insights from Church teachings, the writings of the Church Fathers, and the Magisterium, aiming to present a faithful understanding of the biblical text in light of Catholic doctrine and spirituality.

The commentaries in this series are designed to be accessible to a wide audience, with clear language and a user-friendly format. They include introductions, verse-by-verse commentary, and practical application sections, making them useful for personal study, small group discussions, and homiletic preparation.

Other Catholic Bible Study Resources

Study Bibles include the entire text of Scripture with explanatory notes usually found at the bottom of the page. Some Study Bibles include articles on theology, history, literature, archaeology, and other topics to help the reader understand the Bible better. Here are five well-reviewed Study Bibles:

The Catholic
Study Bible

catholic study bible
Contains study notes, essays, and sidebars; based on the NABRE

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Catholic Bible,
Personal Size

Catholic study bible
Includes a Reading Guide, introductions, introductory essays, questions for discussion

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Ignatius Catholic
Study Bible

Ignatius study bible
Only Catholic Study Bible based on the RSV

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The Catholic
Journaling Bible

Catholic Journaling Bible
Designed for drawing, coloring, highlighting, and journaling

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The Catholic
Youth Bible

Catholic Youth Bible
Designed for drawing, coloring, highlighting, and journaling

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Catholic Study Bible

The Catholic Study Bible is a comprehensive study resource for Catholics that provides commentary, notes, and additional features to assist readers in understanding the Bible. It is available in various editions and is published by different publishers, including Oxford University Press and Ignatius Press.

The Catholic Study Bible typically includes the complete text of the Bible, including the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament. In addition to the biblical text, it contains a range of supplementary materials aimed at helping readers engage with and interpret the Scriptures.

One of the key features of the Catholic Study Bible is the commentary provided alongside the biblical text. This commentary offers explanations, historical context, theological insights, and interpretations of biblical passages. It aims to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the meaning and significance of the Scriptures from a Catholic perspective.

In addition to the commentary, the Catholic Study Bible often includes introductions to each book of the Bible, providing information on the authorship, historical background, literary genre, and major themes of the book. It may also include maps, charts, illustrations, and cross-references to facilitate further study.

The Catholic Study Bible is designed to be accessible to a wide audience, including students, scholars, and general readers. It can be used for personal study, group study, or as a resource for teaching and preaching.

Also, see Best Romans Commentaries for more options.

Ignatius Study Bible

The Ignatius Study Bible is a popular study resource for Catholics that includes commentary, notes, and other helpful features to aid in understanding the Bible. Ignatius Press, a Catholic publishing company, publishes it.

The Ignatius Study Bible focuses primarily on the New Testament, although some editions may also include select books from the Old Testament. The commentary and study aids are rooted in the Catholic tradition and seek to provide readers with a deeper understanding of the biblical text.

One of the key features of the Ignatius Study Bible is its verse-by-verse commentary on the biblical passages. The commentary offers insights into the texts’ historical, cultural, and theological context, helping readers grasp their meaning and significance.

It may also highlight connections to other parts of Scripture, offer cross-references, and address questions or difficulties that arise from the text.

The Ignatius Study Bible often includes introductions to the individual books of the Bible, providing background information on the authorship, historical setting, literary genre, and major themes. It may also include maps, charts, timelines, and illustrations to enhance the understanding of the biblical narrative.

In addition to the commentary and introductions, the Ignatius Study Bible may feature study questions, reflection points, and explanations of key theological concepts. These aids are designed to facilitate personal study, group discussions, and the application of Scripture to daily life.

The Ignatius Study Bible is intended for a broad readership, including laypeople, students, and anyone interested in delving deeper into the Catholic understanding of the Bible.

It seeks to combine academic rigor with spiritual insight, making it a valuable resource for personal study, academic study, and spiritual growth.

The Catholic Youth Bible

The Catholic Youth Bible is a popular Bible translation and study resource specifically designed for Catholic teenagers and young adults. It provides a comprehensive approach to studying and understanding the Bible within a Catholic context.

The Catholic Youth Bible is published by Saint Mary’s Press and is available in different editions.

The Catholic Youth Bible usually utilizes a contemporary translation of the Bible, such as the New American Bible or the New Revised Standard Version. This makes the text more accessible and relatable to young readers.

In addition to the biblical text, the Catholic Youth Bible includes various study features geared toward young readers. These features may include:

  1. Study notes: These provide explanations, insights, and interpretations of specific passages or verses, helping young readers understand the meaning and application of the text.
  2. Reflections: Personal reflections and stories offer connections between the biblical text and the daily lives of young readers. They provide guidance and encouragement for living out one’s faith.
  3. Theme articles: These explore important themes or topics found throughout the Bible, offering deeper insights and understanding.
  4. Sidebars: These contain additional information, historical context, or cultural insights that help clarify the biblical text.
  5. Prayers and devotions: The Catholic Youth Bible often includes prayers, meditations, and devotional practices to encourage young readers in their spiritual journey.

The Catholic Youth Bible is designed to engage young readers and help them develop a love for Scripture, a deeper understanding of their faith, and a personal relationship with God. It is often used in Catholic schools, youth ministry programs, and for personal study and reflection among young Catholics.

Also, see Best John Commentaries for more options.

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Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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