Why Is Expository Preaching Best?

Expository preaching is a method of biblical preaching that seeks to convey the intended meaning of a specific biblical passage.

It involves a systematic approach to interpreting the Bible, taking into account the historical, cultural, and linguistic context of the passage.

Expository preaching is often characterized by a verse-by-verse or chapter-by-chapter exploration of the Bible, with the goal of uncovering the intended meaning of the text.

The term “expository” comes from the Latin word “exponere,” which means “to explain” or “to set forth.”

Expository preaching is all about explaining and setting forth the message of the Bible in a clear and understandable way.

It seeks to draw out the meaning of the text, allowing it to speak for itself.

This approach is in contrast to topical preaching, which focuses on a specific theme or topic and draws from various biblical passages to support the chosen theme.

Expository preaching is often considered the “best” method of biblical preaching by many scholars, theologians, and believers.

It provides a clear and in-depth understanding of the Bible, making it more accessible and relevant to contemporary readers.

Expository preaching also contributes to a consistent and coherent understanding of the Bible, helping to shape theological doctrines and beliefs.

expository preaching
How does expository preaching make the Bible clear? See below

Expository Preaching vs. Topical Preaching

AspectExpository PreachingTopical Preaching
FocusExpository preaching focuses on a specific biblical passage, exploring it verse-by-verse or chapter-by-chapter.Topical preaching focuses on a specific theme or topic, drawing from various biblical passages to support the chosen theme.
ApproachExpository preaching takes a systematic approach to interpreting the Bible, considering the historical, cultural, and linguistic context of the passage.Topical preaching takes a thematic approach, selecting a topic and exploring what the Bible has to say about that topic.
Depth of UnderstandingExpository preaching provides a deeper and more accurate understanding of the Bible, allowing the text to speak for itself.Topical preaching provides a broader understanding of the Bible, exploring a specific theme or topic from multiple perspectives.
Relevance to Modern LifeExpository preaching bridges the gap between the ancient world of biblical authors and our modern world, making the Bible more accessible and relevant to contemporary readers.Topical preaching connects the message of the Bible to a specific theme or topic, making it more relatable and applicable to contemporary issues.
Consistency in Theological DoctrineExpository preaching contributes to a consistent and coherent understanding of the Bible, helping to shape theological doctrines and beliefs.Topical preaching may not provide as consistent an understanding of the Bible, as it draws from multiple passages and books to support a chosen theme.
Audience EngagementExpository preaching may require a greater level of biblical knowledge and expertise, as it involves a verse-by-verse or chapter-by-chapter exploration of the Bible.Topical preaching may be more accessible to a wider audience, as it focuses on a specific theme or topic that may be more relatable to contemporary issues.

Expository Preaching Makes the Bible Clear

Expository preaching emphasizes the importance of considering the historical, cultural, and linguistic context of the passage.

This involves considering the time and place in which the passage was written, the author’s background and intent, and the original audience’s understanding.

It also involves examining the language and literary style of the passage.

By considering the context of the passage, we can gain valuable insights into the intended meaning of the text.

Another benefit of expository preaching is its ability to provide a coherent and consistent understanding of the Bible.

This is particularly valuable for those seeking to understand the overall message of the Bible and how the various passages and books of the Bible fit together.

minister preaching a sermon
How does expository preaching lead to applications? See below

Expository Preaching Leads to Biblical Applications

Expository preaching is not only about understanding the Bible in its historical and cultural context but also about making it relevant and applicable to our modern lives.

By bridging the gap between the ancient world of biblical authors and our contemporary world, expository preaching allows us to connect with the message of the Bible in a personal and practical way.

One of the key benefits of expository preaching is its ability to make the Bible more accessible to contemporary readers.

The Bible is a collection of texts written over a span of centuries by different authors, in different languages, and for different audiences.

Another benefit of expository preaching is its ability to provide guidance and direction in our spiritual journey.

By taking the time to understand the context and meaning of biblical passages, we can gain valuable insights into the message of the Bible and how it applies to our lives.

This can provide us with guidance and direction in our spiritual journey, helping us to grow in our faith and deepen our relationship with God.

Christian preacher
How does expository preaching highlight biblical doctrine? See below

Expository Preaching Is Best for Doctrine and Theology

Expository preaching plays a crucial role in shaping theological doctrines and beliefs.

By providing a systematic approach to biblical interpretation, expository preaching helps theologians develop a coherent and consistent understanding of the Bible.

This, in turn, contributes to the formulation of theological doctrines that are grounded in a clear and accurate understanding of the biblical text.

One of the key benefits of expository preaching is its emphasis on considering the historical, cultural, and linguistic context of biblical passages.

This allows theologians to uncover the intended meaning of the text and gain a deeper and more accurate understanding of the Bible.

Expository preaching also provides a framework for understanding the literary and rhetorical features of the Bible.

By considering the linguistic and literary context of the passages, theologians can appreciate the literary artistry and rhetorical techniques used by biblical authors.

This allows theologians to understand the message of the Bible in its literary and rhetorical context, contributing to a more nuanced and informed understanding of the biblical narrative.

Another benefit of expository preaching is its ability to provide a coherent and consistent understanding of the Bible.

By taking a systematic approach to interpreting the Bible, expository preaching allows theologians to develop a coherent and consistent understanding of the Bible.


The benefits of expository preaching are numerous.

It provides clarity and depth in understanding the Bible, making it more accessible to contemporary readers.

It allows for the practical application of the message of the Bible to our lives, helping us to connect with the message of the Bible on a personal level.

It also contributes to consistency and coherence in theological doctrine, helping theologians develop a coherent and consistent understanding of the Bible.

As we have explored the benefits of expository preaching and why it is considered “best” by many, it is clear that expository preaching is a valuable tool in the field of biblical studies.

Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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