What Is a Woman’s Study Bible? Get the Facts

God instructs all people — women, men, children, youth, seniors, and everyone else — to read the Bible (e.g. Joshua 1:8). Yet parts of Scripture aren’t easy to understand at first and it’s not always clear how a particular book, passage, or verse applies to life.

A Woman’s Study Bible contains notes and articles that help readers understand and apply Scripture to their life. The notes and articles in a Woman’s Study Bible, provide explanations of the meaning of passages and verses, but the application focuses on issues relevant to Christian women.

What are the best-reviewed Women’s Study Bibles? What are some examples of the notes and articles found in them? What translations do they come in? Keep reading to learn more.

There are many different kinds of Study Bibles. See the Study Bible Comparison Chart to compare dozens of volumes in one place.

woman reading a Bible
“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 (ESV)

Women’s Study Bibles: Example topics

On one hand, Christian women have the same needs as every other believer: they want to be reminded that God loves them and is with them; they want to know how to please God and grow in their faith; they want to flee sin like pride and fear; they want to healthy, strong relationships.

On the other hand, Christian women have needs that are unique to them: many want to know how to be a good, faithful, helpful wife to their husbands; many want to know how to be a good mother who raises good kids who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105 (ESV)

Furthermore, women may experience pride like men do, but sometimes it manifests differently for women. The same is true with fear and other weaknesses and vices. The notes and articles in Study Bibles help readers understand how God’s Word speaks to them. Example topics include:

  • God: Every good Study Bible will escort the reader to God, their Creator, Sustainer, and Savior through Christ. The Bible can’t be understood or applied without the reader know who God is and what He is like.
  • Identity: “Who am I really?” is a question a lot of women ask. Am I defined by my biggest mistakes, past relationships, and my shortcomings? What does it mean to be forgiven? What exactly does it mean to be a daughter of God and how does that manifest in my day-to-day life? Women’s Study Bibles address these questions and minister to the hearts of readers.
  • Relationships: Women have many important relationships in their lives, including spouses, children, grandchildren, parents, friends, and co-workers. Some relationships are warm and encouraging; others are stressful and difficult. Women’s Study Bibles offer guidance and advice for applying God’s Word to the important relationships in life.
  • Stewardship: The Bible calls all believers to be stewards, that is caretakers, of things like their bodies, their money, and the Gospel. Physical health is important. Body image is important. Handling money, including debt, spending, giving, and saving, is important to God. Believing, living, and sharing the Gospel is also central to Christian living. Women’s Study Bibles help readers responsibly handle what God has entrusted them with.
  • Other topics include: Overcoming sin and temptation, beating depression and anxiety, planning for the future, and much more.

There are Study Bible specifically designed for Christian men, too, which make great gifts. See the Best Study Bibles for Men to learn more.

Best Women’s Study Bibles

Christian women from various denominations have given positive reviews for the Study Bibles listed below. Readers are encouraged to use the list as a starting point to discover which Study Bible is right for them.

Study BibleBrowse
The Woman’s Study Bible: Receiving God’s Truth for Balance, Hope, and TransformationAmazon
ESV Women’s Study BibleAmazon
The Bible in 52 Weeks: A Yearlong Bible Study for WomenAmazon
The CSB Study Bible For WomenAmazon
The Busy Mom’s BibleAmazon
Women’s Devotional BibleAmazon
She Reads Truth BibleAmazon
Journal the Word Bible for WomenAmazon
KJV Cross Reference Study BibleAmazon
A Woman After God’s Own Heart BibleAmazon

3 Best Study Bibles for Couples

Some women may want a Study Bible that focuses more on marriage and family life. The Study Bibles below are well-reviewed for that purpose. Like the suggestions mentioned above, the list below should be used as a starting point to discover which resource is best for your purposes.

Family Life Marriage Bible

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Christian authors and well-known marriage counselors, Dennis and Barbara Rainey, provide the notes are articles for The Family Life Marriage Bible. They cover all topics related to marriage and directly address the Bible’s teachings on the role of a husband and the role of a wife. For example, the Raineys teach about communication, conflict, parenting, and intimacy.

Features include:

  • Devotions for Couples
  • Romance tips, quotes, and notes
  • Parenting Matters – articles on raising children God’s way
  • Biblical Insights articles
  • Family Manifesto – Family Life’s biblical model of a Godly family
  • Topical Index

Couples’ Devotional Bible

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With devotions that reflect the concerns that many couples face today, the bestselling NIV Couples’ Devotional Bible is designed to help you build your relationship on the one foundation you can count on: God’s Word.

The devotions cover many topics, including communication, work and career, sex, money, fears, setting goals, step parenting, forgiveness, and more.

Because this devotional Bible was developed in partnership with the team at Christianity Today International, you can be confident that the devotions are relevant, trusted, and honest. (From the publisher.)


  • 260 weekday devotions by contributors such as Jennifer Schuchmann, Wayne Brouwer, and Carla Barnhill
  • 52 weekend devotions include advice from bestselling writers, marriage therapists, and pastors, including Les and Leslie Parrott, Gary Thomas, John Townsend, Henry Cloud, and Gary Smalley
  • Weekend devotions include tips, helps, quizzes, activities, and a “Let’s Talk” section that promotes application and interaction

See Best Study Bibles for Couples for more options.

Marriage Devotional Bible

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You want your marriage to be the best and it can be–strong in commitment, caring in communication, joyous in lovemaking, united in vision. Above all, you want it to be grounded in faith.

Whether you’re celebrating your fifth or twenty-fifth anniversary, if you long for deep, satisfying intimacy with God and with your mate, the Marriage Devotional Bible is for you.

David and Claudia Arp, Robert and Rosemary Barnes, and Les and Leslie Parrott offer more than professional knowledge. They’ve worked out in their own marriages the truths they share with you in the Marriage Devotional Bible.

Also see Best Study Bibles for Beginners for more options.

Daniel Isaiah Joseph

Daniel's seminary degree is in Exegetical Theology. He was a pastor for 10 years. As a professor, he has taught Bible and theology courses at two Christian universities. Please see his About page for details.

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