Commentaries by Topic

Bible commentaries can grouped and organized according to different theological, historical, cultural, denominational, literary or linguistic way — and those six categories are just the beginning.

For example, commentaries that reflect the teachings of certain denominations like Southern Baptist or Assemblies of God can be grouped together. Commentaries can also be organized according to the author’s theological convictions, such as those that advocate for The New Perspective on Paul and those that argue against it. Similarly, there are commentaries that embrace premillennial eschatology and others that espouse amillennial perspectives. The ways to topical arrange commentaries is limitless.

The list below will grow over time.

Conventional Specialty Categories

One-Volume commentaries

One-volume commentaries contain chapters on each book of the Bible. These volumes are often large with some exceeding 1,000 pages, but they are less expensive that buying multiple volumes.

Technical commentaries

Technical are best for readers who have had training in the original languages of the Bible. Though some technical commentaries contain ministry and preaching assistance, most volumes focus on the discussion of the original-language grammar and syntax.

Spanish-language commentaries

This is one of the fastest-growing categories of commentaries. Most volumes are translations of popular English commentaries as opposed to original research from authors whose first language is Spanish.

Commentaries Arranged by Theological and Doctrinal Teachings

Theology Proper

Young-Earth Creationism commentaries

Young-earth creationism interprets the word “days” in Genesis 1 as consecutive 24-hour periods of time, as opposed to eons of time. Most proponents believe the earth is 6,000 to 10,000 years old.


Amillennial commentaries on Revelation

Amillennialism has a rich tradition in Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches as well as in many Protestant denominations such as Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, and Methodism.

Premillennial commentaries on Revelation

Premillennialism is found in many evangelical Christian traditions and is a core tenant of certain denominations such as Assemblies of God.

Postmillennial commentaries on Revelation

Postmillennialism had a rich tradition within certain American social movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.